Welcome! I am a PhD candidate in Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley and an NSF Graduate Research Fellow.

I study topics in agricultural and environmental economics using tools from public finance, IO, and behavioral economics. I am particularly interested in the trade-offs between consumer preferences, agricultural productivity, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability.

I also developed and teach a course titled "Economic Tools for Effective Altruism" (Econ 198) to help undergraduate students understand major global issues and what they can do to make a difference.


You can view my CV here
view my CV


Works in Progress

The Social Value of Farm Animal Welfare: Evidence, Beliefs, and Voter Behavior

+/- Abstract

Wildfire Zoning and Heterogeneous Responses to Wildfire Events: Evidence from the California Housing Market

(with Matthew Wibbenmeyer)

+/- Abstract

No Ethical Consumption Under General Equilibrium? Evidence from the US Meat Market

(with Christoph Semken)

+/- Abstract

A Scoping Review of Incentives for Adopting More Humane Farm Practices

(with Sharon Pailler, Jon McFadden, Sharon Raszap, Zach Raff)

+/- Abstract

Published Work

(with Alex Hoagland)

Contemporary Economic Policy, 2018

Other Work

(with Zach Freitas-Groff and Carl Meyer)

Kilts Center at Chicago Booth Marketing Data Center Paper, 2024

+/- Abstract

(with Ethan Ligon)

GiveWell "Change Our Mind Contest" Honorable Mention, 2022


Econ 198: Economic Tools for Effective Altruism
UC Berkeley
Course creator and facilitator (Fall 2021-present)

EEP/Econ 102: Natural Resource Economics
UC Berkeley
Graduate Student Instructor (Fall 2021)

Econ 110: Introduction to Economics
Brigham Young University
Teaching Assistant (Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016)


Feel free to reach out to me on any of these platforms